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Brewing Equipment
Brewhouse Efficiency Calculator
Calculate the efficiency of the brew system which counts all losses to the fermentor
Hydrometer Adjustment Calculator
Calculate the actual Specific Gravity, accounting for sample worth temperature and the hydrometer's calibration
Mash Efficiency Calculator
Calculates the percentage of the total available sugars that was extracted from the grains during the mash and sparge.
Mash Tun Calibration Calculator
Calculates the heat capacity of your brewing vessel.
Refractometer Calculator
Calculates actual values in Brix, Plato, or Specific Gravity, provided a refractometer reading from your wort.
${ fermentable.ingredientName } ${ fermentable.supplier }
${ fermentable.category }
${ fermentable.ppg }
${ fermentable.ebc }
Hop age calculator
Calculate the current AA content of your hops, based on the worst case scenario when storing them over time.
Colour Converter
Easily convert between EBC, SRM, and Lovibond.
Gravity Converter
Easily convert between Brix, Plato, and Specific Gravity.
Decoction volume calculator
Calculate the amount of mash that needs to be removed, heated, and then re-added to increase the mash temperature ready for the next decoction step.
Gravity Adjustment Calculator
Calculate the additions or boil off required to achieve your desired gravity.
Grist Ratio
Calculate the grain to water ratio.
Mash and Sparge Water Calculator
Calculate the mash and sparge water required for your brew.
Mash PH Adjustment Calculator
Calculates the amount of the initial addition of acid to the mash to achieve your desired pH.
Rest and Infusion temperature calculator
Calculate the amount of boiling water to add to reach a new rest temperature in your mash tun.
Strike water temperature calculator
Calculates the required temperature of your strike water to achieve your desired mash temperature.
ABV Calculator
An easy and accurate way to calculate the actual ABV of your brew.
Apparent/Real Attenuation Calculator
Calculates the real and apparent attenuation of a brew, with real attentuation accounting for the actual ABV and the imperfect nature of hydrometers.
Calories in ABV Calculator
Calculates the amount of calories present in the specified amount of serving size.
Pitch Rate Calculator
Helps you to pitch your yeast like a professional; supports dry yeast, liquid yeast, and slurry.
Bottle Carbonation Calculator
Calculates the amount of priming sugar to add at bottling time for home brewed beer.
Forced Carbonation
Calculate the required keg pressure (PSI) to achieve the required level of carbonation for your brew.
Spirit Dilution Calculator
Use this to Calculate the amount of water you need to dilute your current spirit to a lower strength
Brewhouse Efficiency Calculator
Gravity Unit
Measured Wort Gravity
Target Wort Volume (L)
Measured Wort Volume (L)
Add at least 1 fermentable.
${ calculateBrewEfficiency }
Hydrometer Adjustment Calculator
Hydrometer Reading (sg)
Sample Temperature (°C)
Calibrated Temperature
Hydrometer Adjustment
${ calculateHydrometerAdjustment }
Mash Efficiency Calculator
Grain Weight (KG)
Preboil Volume (L)
Gravity Unit
Preboil Gravity
Calculated Efficiency
${ calculateMashEfficiency }
Mash Tun Calibration Calculator
Mash Tun Temperature (°C)
Volume of Water (L)
Initial Water Temperature (°C)
Water Temperature after 5 minutes (°C)
${ calculateMashTunHeat }
Refractometer Calculator
Gravity Unit
Original Gravity (OG)
Final Gravity (FG)
Wort Correction Factor
${ calculateRefractometer[0].value }
${ result.title }
${ result.value }
Hop Age Calculator
Hop Type
Date Harvested
Original AA
Calculated Hop AA
${ calculateHopAge }
Colour Converter
${ result.title }
${ result.value } ${ result.units }
Gravity Converter
Specific Gravity
${ result.title }
${ result.value } ${ result.units }
Decoction Volume Calculator
Dry Weight of Grain (KG)
Mash Water Volume (L)
Temperature of Decoction (Boiling) (°C)
Target Rest Temperature (°C)
Current Mash Temperature (°C)
${ calculateDecoctionVolume[0].value }
${ result.title }
${ result.value } ${ result.units }
Gravity Adjustment Calculator
Wort Volume (L)
Gravity Unit
Current Gravity
Desired Gravity
Boil Off Rate (L / hr)
${ result.title }
${ result.value } ${ result.units }
Grist Ratio
Grain Weight (KG)
Water Volume (L)
Grist Ratio
${ calculateGristRatio }
Mash And Sparge water calculator
Batch Volume (L)
Grain Weight (KG)
Boil Time (MIN)
Mash Thickness (L / kg)
Mash Tun Volume (L)
Mash Tun Deadspace (L)
Mash Tun Loss (L/KG)
Mash Grain Absorption (L / kg)
Sparge Grain Absorption (L / kg)
Lauter Tun Loss (L)
Trub and Chiller Loss (L)
Boil Loss (L / hr)
${ calculateMashSparge[0].value }
${ result.title }
${ result.value } ${ result.units }
Mash PH Adjustment Calculator
Current PH (PH)
Source Water Alkalinity CACO3 (PPM)
Target PH (PH)
Acid Type
Grain Weight (KG)
Mash Water Volume (L)
Amount of acid
${ calculateMashPhAdjustmentCalculator }
Rest And Infusion Temperature Calculator
Grain Weight (KG)
Mash Water Volume (L)
Current Mash Temperature (°C)
Target Mash Temperature (°C)
Infusion Water Temperature (°C)
${ calculateRestAndInfusionTemp }
Strike Water Temperature Calculator
Grain Weight (KG)
Mash Water Volume (L)
Current Grain Temperature (°C)
Target Mash Temperature (°C)
${ calculateStrikeWaterTemperature }
ABV Calculator
Gravity Unit
Original Gravity (OG)
Final Gravity (FG)
Calculated ABV
${ calculateAbv }
Apparent/Real Attenuation Calculator
Gravity Unit
Original Gravity (OG)
Final Gravity (FG)
${ calculateApparentRealAttenuation[0].value }
Apparent Attenuation
${ calculateApparentRealAttenuation[0]?.value } ${ calculateApparentRealAttenuation[0]?.units }
Real Attenuation
${ calculateApparentRealAttenuation[1]?.value } ${ calculateApparentRealAttenuation[1]?.units }
${ calculateApparentRealAttenuation[2]?.value } ${ calculateApparentRealAttenuation[2]?.units }
Calories In ABV Calculator
Gravity Unit
Original Gravity (OG)
Final Gravity (FG)
Serving Size (ML)
Calculated ABV
${ calculateCaloriesInAbv }
Pitch Rate Calculator
Wort Volume (L)
Gravity Unit
Wort Gravity
Yeast Form
Yeast Type
Billion Cells Per Pack
Manufacture Date
${ result.title }
${ result.value } ${ result.units }
Bottle Carbonation Calculator
Desired Volume (volumes Of CO2)
Beer Temperature (°C)
Bottling Volume (L)
${ result.title }
${ result.value } ${ result.units }
Forced Carbonation Calculator
Keg Temperature (°C)
Desired Volume of CO2 (volumes Of CO2)
Desired PSI
${ calculateForcedCarbonation }
Spirit Dilution Calculator
Starting ABV (%)
Final ABV (%)
Starting Volume (L)
Final Volume (L)
${ spiritDilutionCalcData.errorMessage }
${ result.title }
${ result.value }
${ spiritDilutionCalcData.startingVolume }L of alcohol at ${ spiritDilutionCalcData.startingABV }%, mixed with ${ calculateSpiritDilution[0]?.value }L of water, will give you ${ calculateSpiritDilution[1]?.value }L of alcohol at ${ spiritDilutionCalcData.finalABV }%.
${ spiritDilutionCalcData.startingVolume }L of alcohol at ${ spiritDilutionCalcData.startingABV }%, mixed with ${ calculateSpiritDilution[1]?.value }L of water, will give you ${ spiritDilutionCalcData.finalVolume }L of alcohol at ${ spiritDilutionCalcData.finalABV }%.

${ productTitle }

${ currentVariant.compare_at_price | currencyFromCents } ${ currentVariant.price | currencyFromCents }



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